Tutorial: External style sheets



1. Introduction & Tools

2. How external style sheets and html work together and what each does

3. Linking the html and the external style sheet

4. A bit about writing css in an external style sheet

5. Putting the css into the html code

6. Page body & page backgrounds

7. Text

8. Text links

9. Image links

10. Borders

11. Containers (DIVs)

12. Simple Containers (DIVs)

13. A DIV inside a DIV

14. Container as rows or columns

15. Two columns

16. Three columns

17. More Tools for css

18. Validating and checking the code

19. Creating a site

20. Working with backgrounds: single DIV background page

21. Working with backgrounds:
multiple DIV backgrounds

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Setting up the css properties - page body

Inside Top Style (or your editor of choice), you can begin creating your page properties.

Below is an example of a page background:

body {
color: Black;
background-image: url(your-background-image.jpg);

This sets the color of the page, whether there is a background image on it. Margins can also be set here. The above example would create a page with a black background and your image as the page background.

One of the coolest things about css is how is lets you apply background images to the page body and choose how, or if, it repeats. This can't be done with html alone. Notice the "repeat" lines in the following examples.

background repeat

body {
background-color: White;
background-image: url(daisy-bg.jpg);
background-repeat: repeat;


background repeat x

body {
background-color: White;
background-image: url(daisy-bg.jpg);
background-repeat: repeat-x;


background repeat y

body {
background-color: White;
background-image: url(daisy-bg.jpg);
background-repeat: repeat-y;


background no repeat

body {
background-color: White;
background-image: url(daisy-bg.jpg);
background-repeat: no-repeat;

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Tutorial: External Style Sheets
